Northeast Tennessee's 2020 Video Campaign

For the second year, our team had the privilege to work with the amazing folks at the Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association, or, NETTA, which comprises of the Bristol, Johnson City, Kingsport area of the state. This year, one of their primary goals was to show diversity and southern welcome in video assets that spread across their 4 pillars of tourism attractions. Outdoors, Family Fun, Local Music, and History.

Their budget afforded our team to be on location for 4 days with a team of 3 crew members to film and produce all the footage needed.

Working and collaborating closely during pre-production with NETTA director, Alicia Phelps, our team took a lead role in the creative process, developing and proposing many of the concepts and storylines that made this campaign so strong with such captive story-driven messages. In a few of the topics featured we produced a long/full-length version of each video while also accompanying it with a shorter, 30 or 60-second version for more flexibility for future marketing use to NETTA.

This project was immensely satisfying to our team since NETTA’s trust in our vision really allowed us to stretch our creative wings.


Creative Director/Cinematographer:……. Angel David Verde
Client Project Manager:………………………… Alicia Phelps, NETTA
Editor, Sound Design, Original Music:…… Angel Verde
Additional Original Music/Licensing:……. Bryan Elisha Smith,
Voice Over Actors:…………………………………. Angel Verde, Sage Tanguay, David Franusich
Assistant Camera:………………………………….. Jacob Dellinger
Production Assistant:…………………………….. Tracie Hoprich


I love working with DV Entertainment. I know the quality I'm going to get, and it's going to stay on schedule. The values of the company to focus on sustainable tourism, diversity, and "lesser known areas" are in line with our organization's mission. The fact that their work speaks for its self is everything. Our board typically only works with local companies, so the fact we've worked with them twice is a big deal!

Alicia Phelps, Executive Director of the Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association

Music In Northeast Tennessee

The music element of the 2020 NETTA campaign featured a 60-second promo that is carried by the song “Three cheers” by Virginia based singer/songwriter Bryan Elijah Smith and stars Bristol-based singer/songwriter Ella Patrick, aka, Momma Molasses. The long-form version switches tone to a profile piece of Momma Molasses and her journey to Bristol for its rich local music culture and heritage.

Girls Day in the Outdoors + Kingsport Long Island Iced Tea

The girls’ day in the outdoors, included a message of diversity as well as cleverly only featuring women on camera at any point during the promo. We filmed the whole piece in an unscripted-documentary style that really hit a chord with a genuinely authentic, emotional moment between our two cast members as they reflected on their day away from their normal, busy lives. The 30-second version of this piece gave a nice upbeat spotlight of their day as well, cueing to viewers they can see more in the longer version if they choose so at the NETTA website. Lastly, the city of Kingsport TN recently won the official title as the originators of the Long Island Iced Tea which we created a director’s cut showing the unique process of making their signature drink. The music for this piece was also an original composition by our in-house music team. The music for the Iced Tea Directors cut is by Virginia Based songwriters, The Whole Other.

Family Fun Day

The family fun promo features a nice recap style video to show a family with their young daughters having a fun day in Northeast Tennessee. We again, composed original music to carry this piece from start to finish and move through the different scenes in a fun, watchable way. Once again, the music for this piece was an original composition buy our in-house music team.


History & The Greenville Area

Our final pieces for NETTA’s 2020 video campaign is a brief introduction to the Lost State Of Franklin and a 30-second spot to promote visitation to the Greeneville area of Northeast Tennessee. NETTA hopes to continue to build up promotional media assets for this area that currently has limited video content to market to visitors, something we were thrilled to assist and help begin for them.